Getting Organized and Managing Logistics |
Getting Organized and Managing Logistics |
Becoming a caregiver comes with a range of new responsibilities and obligations, such as attending medical appointments and taking on more tasks around the house. Most likely, you will need some tools to help you get organized.
Make a list of key friends, relatives, and neighbors. Include contact information, such as phone numbers and email addresses, for anyone who is willing to help in a pinch. Make sure everyone in the family knows where to find this list: Posting it on the refrigerator is a good choice. Keep extra copies for others, and be sure to have this list with you (on paper, in a tablet, phone, etc.) for easy access.
Buy a wall calendar or large date book that is big enough to track multiple events during each day and week. Record your loved one's doctor's and treatment appointments and names of people who are helping out that day. You can try using a different colored pen for each type of event to help organize the process.
Keep a "medical issues" notebook for listing the names and contact information for members of your loved one's medical team, such as their oncologist, social worker, and primary nurse. Also use this notebook to keep notes on clinic visits, medication schedules and doses, and observations about your partner's physical and emotional reactions. Try to find a notebook or folder with large pockets for storing pamphlets, business cards, and other written materials.
CaringBridge understands that a community of loved ones can be a pillar of support when one is going through a health journey such as a cancer diagnosis. CaringBridge offers free, easy, private websites where you can keep your community updated on your loved one's health journey, schedule assistance from people who care, and stay in touch with everyone from a central location.
Ianacare, is a mobile platform created by a team of caregivers, supporters, patients, and medical professionals with the goal of encouraging, empowering, and equipping family caregivers with the tools and communities so no caregiver goes through their journey alone. With the app, caregivers can build a “team” to coordinate and help post updates, request and receive support, and access resources personalized for your caregiving journey. Caregivers can also be connected to a Caregiver Coach who can help you to navigate your personal situation and provide mentorship around topics such as:
Resource Specialists
Dana-Farber patients have the opportunity to work with a resource specialist to coordinate solutions to financial and logistical challenges that cancer patients and their families face. Resource specialists can help with:
To utilize this resource, encourage your loved one to contact [email protected] or call this department directly at 617-632-3301. |
Ellie Fund
The Ellie Fund provides assistance to breast cancer patients who live in or are receiving treatment in Massachusetts. The services are provided for 3 months for early stage (I-III) breast cancer patients and 6 months for patients living with MBC. All services are tailored to you. The supports that the Ellie Fund can provide include:
To apply for Ellie Fund assistance, have an oncology professional from your loved one's care team fill out an application. |
Community Servings
Community Servings provides home delivered meals and nutrition services and education to individuals and families in Massachusetts with critical and chronic illnesses who are unable to shop or cook for themselves. Community Servings understands that every individual and family have different needs in regard to nutrition and food, especially when illness is involved. The meals provided made-from-scratch and tailored to the unique medical and nutritional needs of clients. Registered dietitian nutritionists offer a range of nutrition care services as well. If you are interested in applying, fill out the application. |
Expanding Your Circle of Support (for caregivers)
Financial Supports (for patients)